Location Information

  • Grace Church in Haddonfield
  • 19 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ, 08033 US

Child's Information

Age should be 3 or greater

Child's Spiritual Information

Child's educational information.

Child's Medical Information

Child's Interests

Guardian Information

  • Each Sunday, we ask one family to provide snack for Church School.

  • The Education Committee meets on the 1st Sunday of odd-numbered months at 11:45 am. on the 2nd-floor of the Parish Hall to help with the planning, and organization of Church School.

  • Some of our classrooms need adult helpers in addition to the teacher.

  • Occasionally, we have a need for a substitute teacher in our classes. All materials are provided in advance.

  • We try to have at least two teachers for each class. Our teachers usually teach one or two Sundays a month.

Guardian 2

  • Each Sunday, we ask one of our Church School families to provide snack.

  • The Education Committee meets on the first Sunday of odd-numbered months to help with the planning and organization of Church School.

  • Some of our classrooms need an additional adult helper.

  • Occasionally, we have the need for a substitute teacher. Materials are provided in advance.

  • We try to have two teachers for each classroom. Teachers usually teach one to two Sundays a month.

Emergency Contact Information

Permissions & Releases

Medical Release

I, as the guardian of the above mentioned minor, do hereby authorize appointed adult leaders of Grace Church in Haddonfield as agent of the undersigned to consent to any emergency medical treatment if the above guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached. 

Photo & Video Release

I , as guardian of the above mentioned minor, authorize Grace Church in Haddonfield to photograph and/or video my child and agree to allow publication of these photos/videos for publicity, education and promotional purposes without recompense. I understand that my child's personal information will not be included with his or her image. 

The suggested donation for church school is $20.00 for the first child, $10.00 for each additional sibling up to $40.00

Suggested Amounts

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